GRC Bette Davis
Bette Davis is from Fancyfriends
Starstruck x GC Grovewood Strawberry Shortcake.

GC Visions Safari
Brown Tabby Exotic Male

GC, RW Laurenden Dawson of Grovewood
Blue Tabby Exotic Male. Thanks to Danielle
for trusting us with Dawson!

GC Grovewood Strawberry Shortcake
Thank you Danielle for this beautiful girl!

GC Fancyfriends Lalique Frosted
Blue Cream Point Himalayan. Bred by Wendi Steinman. Owned by Dianna Zintgraff of Purrzinpaws Cattery.

GRC Fancyfriends Heart of Gold
Cream Point Himalayan Male. Bred and owned by Wendi Steinman.

GP Fancyfriends Maliblu
Blue patched tabby persian female. Bred by Wendi Steinman. Owned by Wendi Steinman and Vicki Healty.

GRC Fancyfriends Mango of Caliper
Flame point Himalayan female. Bred by Wendi Steinman.
Owned by Karen Stone.

GRC Fancyfriends Kimbu Ice of Snowdrift
Blue Point Himalayan Male. Bred by Wendi Steinman.